At OVGU the Content Management System (CMS) EGOTEC is in use for several years for the design of the central websites and for a multitude of institutions. This allows the realisation of a corporate design within OVGU without major technical basic knowledge for each area.
EGOTEC is a powerful tool with various modules and design options. You will find all relevant information on the system in German at www.cms.ovgu.de. These pages are intended to be an assistance for editors and a source of information for administrators in the institutions. A special newsletter with current information about the CMS is also offered in German.
The components of the CMS are documented, as well as an overview of the training courses for the system.
EGOTEC is a multi-client system, that means for individual web presences special instances are provided in the system. Requests for setting up a client can be triggered via www.cms.ovgu.de after authentication by the OVGU-Account.
In the CMS, the portrait page type can also be used to create personal homepages that are addressed to the institute or chair's website.